What I like about this candle burning, it speeds up your metabolism. It works very naturally like you are doing nothing. First, you lose your appetite. Second, you just forget about the food. You want to eat less and be healthy. Third, you become more active. For example, I started to clean my house more often and walked through the park close to my house almost every day, without any pressure on myself. You can find anything that you will love and use, very naturally, no need to use a diet or physical training. It helps you to be yourself and not like a victim of weight loss.

Please be aware that as always I don’t know when exactly and how much lb exactly you will lose. You definitely will and this is good news. The speed of weight loss depends on your health and genetic conditions.

More candles = more energy and effort I put into the ritual. I will prepare and burn your ritual candle with special oil made and cast by me.

Please provide me with your name and DOB in format Jane Doe, May 30, 1991. Brief description of your situation is always welcome.

I will send you pictures after I do the service. Pay attention this is not a physical product and nothing physical will be sent to you. I will keep in touch with you via Etsy messages or your email.

Disclaimer: candle service is not a substitute for medical or psychological care. This information is not offered for the purposes of substituting, replacing, or contraindicating sound medical or legal advice etc. It is for entertainment purposes only.