Walking: The Complete Book
"Walking - The Complete Book" will motivate you to get moving, avoid aches and pains, and enjoy a more energetic life. Whether you are just starting to walk around the block, or have been active for years, "Walking - The Complete Book" has a world of information that will make you want to walk every day, as it helps you improve the experience. Author Jeff Galloway has worked with over 150,000 average people, who were mostly couch potatoes before they followed his exercise routines. Many have gone on to finish 26-mile-marathons or half- marathons. Virtually all of them find that 20-30 minutes spent on this simple exercise bestows more vitality and a better mental attitude than anything else during their day. This book explains why, with step-by-step information to keep moving forward - for life.
Product Details
Paperback: 160 pages
Publisher: Meyer & Meyer (1 Sept. 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 184126170X
ISBN-13: 978-1841261706
Product Code: SBA878-LW500
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