Brand new dvd is Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being manufactured. This is a live audience showing of 'OCTAMAN' with the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 gang giving their running commentaries and jokes. This also features a short film 'McGruff's Drug Alert'.
Direct-to-TV disaster directed by the 'Creature From the Black Lagoon' scriptwriter.
Deep in the Mexican jungle, a legendary creature lurks in a radioactive swamp. A scientific expedition sets out to study this atomic mutant and stop it before it kills again. They're not very good at it, since Octaman kills quite a lot -- probably because the dumb scientists keep stealing its babies!
It seems there's no stopping the monster until it develops a crush on the plucky lady scientist and does what all mutant sea creatures like to do - it knocks her out and carries her away. Will the rest of the team be able to rescue her before Octaman picks them all off one by one?
Kerwin Matthews, Pier Angeli, and Jeff Morrow all come out of semi-retirement to discover a monster and go through the low-budget love-triangle moves. The unique upright octopus man was an early creation of Rick Baker (who later did 'American Werewolf ' and the star creature in 'Star Wars').
Angeli, making a Hollywood comeback, died of a barbiturate overdose during filming. She once had a well publicized affair with James Dean.