Some of the contents in this issue:
Full page color Newport cigarettes ad with rugged looking "sailor" guy in jeans, watch cap and pea coat, standing near modern sailboat. Rather unusual full page color Spec-T ad for sore-throat, cold medicines. Humorous little letter to the editor wanting to know why they had to ruin an issue of LIFE by including a photo of a nearly nude woman wearing St. Laurent's see-through dress - "You seem to have a compulsion to include this sort of thing", written by Joanne Buchman of Cincinnati. The inauguration - Rhetoric Meets Reality. Vietnam protest parade in Washington. VERY nice full page color Pontiac GTO ad with ski theme art by VK and AF, official car of the US Ski Team. Mr. Synanon goes public, Chuck Dederich, Charles E. Dederich. Bali travelogue and photo gallery - super piece. Unusual two-page color Crest tooth paste ad, the Yardstick. Snowmobiles - the Marvelous Menace in Maine, Saddleback Mountain, David Peterson. Neat two-page color International Paper Company ad with Mr. Ryohei Kanakogi, Karate master, striking at a stack of corrugated cardboard. Recipes of things to go with fondue. Profile - Joseph M Gonzales - Brother Alexis with Mimi Smith. Anne Heywood, Marlon Brando, and Eriprando Visconti in The Lady. Full page color Marlboro ad with cowboy on snowshoes LEADING his horse - it'd never happen in real life.