These are REAL FELMLEE FLOATING EELS, not some bogus look alike.  Each pack contains 1 complete lure and 2 spare eels to keep you CATCHING WHEN that eel gets chewed up.  You get 2 packs of this amazing lure. 6  eels in all.  

Take a close look at the head on this rig. It has been DESIGNED and built by me with a flat topped surface that tapers down in a great curve thru its sides to a FULL drop down BELLY giving the EEL its HOT...HOT...HOT...ACTION. It will actually land straight up and RETRIEVE/TROLL with that ACTION PACKED twitch and wobble.

 The head weighs 1 ounce and is 1 1/2 inches long.  The whole rig measures 9 1/2 inches and has a MUSTAD 34184D 2x strong hook 7/0 size, that sits ATOP of the CUSTOM made head to PROTECT YOUR LINE.  I've INCLUDED  2 SPARE EELS . When the bite is HOT...HOT...HOT... you don’t  want to stop, Just slap on that EXTRA tail and catch , catch , catch.

 Beach casting, backwater sloughs, jigging, Trolling, sight casting, all work  

 HINT: When you see that floating debris, cast To it AND LET IT SINK.

           Anchored up, just add a strip of salted bait and let it just sit out behind the boat.

          My commercial guys will add a pencil float and let it stay about 3 feet down and 30 feet back.

Troll this of an O/rigger and in the 3RD wake wave, just slapping and trashing the seas surface


 "My friend Robert caught the smaller cobia on the chartreuse rig. The bigger one followed it to the boat and while he was fighting his, in a mad scramble, I  clipped another green 'candy' on my leader snap swivel and tossed it in. That fish dove straight down after the bait and I was hooked up in seconds. Amazing."