White Wine Glass Crystalex wine glasses REBECCA 460ml 6pcs:No sooner we meet them, we will use them daily, and yet this is very often slightly neglected household equipment. Speech is about glassware. If we are careful about the choice of suitable fluids and keep to a strictly regular drinking regime, we should be at the heart of what we drink. The Crystalex Rebecca glass set is made of high-quality glass that comes in a simple but very practical design. The glass is suitable for cold drinks and can be washed in the dishwasher. With these glasses, holiday meals will never be dimmer.The Main Plus of the Crystalex Rebecca Glass SetAre made of quality glassThe set contains six glasses of identical designCrystalex glasses are suitable for serving various cold beverages, such as wineThese glasses are dishwasher suitableYou will always have sufficient fluids at arm's length given each glass's volume of 350lThese glasses are not microwave oven suitable. Forever ShiningOf course, every kind