Size: 20.6 Feet long, 100 bulbs
Condition: NEW
Yes these are Christmas Lights : but can you imagine the things you can do ? The Secret is to use Outdoor Lights / the ones that can take on the Weather wherever your from , The Plugs are made to handle weather all year round Outside and Inside. The lights are white on Green Wire, will blend with any object you put these on, I Love putting them on my Patio, they can connect to more lights , so you simply plug them into another set, then another set, and then you plug them into a socket. I went out and purchased Patio Lights, the Patio Lights gave me 25 Lights for 16.99 , This box contains 100 Lights, Yes they are small but they are Bright . But Trust me you will save money . The BAD PART IS IF ONE LIGHT GOES OUT, THE REST WILL GO OUT, But each Box includes replacement Bulbs. If you have a wedding coming up, or a special event, these are the Lights you need . EACH Box comes with 100 Lights and are waterproof against the elements to include snow, Each Bulb is clear so you see the actual Light. These are a straight 20 Feet , not that folded up light stuff or dangling Light baloney, if you lay this out you will get 20 feet of straight light.