We accepts Paypal only If you have any questions about the payment, please contact us through message.
Returns Policy
To Return an item you must contact us and take photos of your item to clearly show any damage or unusual aspects of it.
Approved returns will be subject to inspection on arrival. Items must be returned in original condition with all original packaging.
All shipping and handing charges are non-refundable.
Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the buyer. We will cover the cost if sending replacement/repaired items.
Within 14 days after receiving your products, we offers a no-hassle 14 day exchange/replace only if your items are found to be defective by manufacturer.
Handling time : 24 hours. Shipping Monday to Saturday at 10am (Eastern Time). Orders placed before
10am Eastern Standard Time on a business day and Saturday will be shipped out the same day. All
other orders will be shipped out the next business day.
About us
Customers all are our friends. Customers satisfaction is very important
to us! Please email us before leaving any Negative and Neutral feedback or open any dispute. Otherwise it will hurt both of us. Please give us the opportunity to resolve any problem. We work for you Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm and Saturday 8am to 11am.
If you have any questions please contact us through message.
Thank for your purchase. We will provide our positive feedback to you, and at the same time hope you could leave us positive feedback and 5 DSR!
If you have any problem with your order please contact us as soon as possible and we will resolve it for you!
Thank you for your purchase