Bitter Cucumber is considered a fruit with high 
nutritional value.Whether it's phosphorus, 
iron and various vitamins, including niacin 
that is good for the body.As for the medicinal 
properties of bitter gourd, there are many. 
Because every part of the bitter gourd 
can help cure various ailments.
  - 80% bitter gourd 
  - 20% pandan leaves
  properties : 
   - Helps fight free radicals
   - Strengthens the body's immune system
   - Effectively reduces cholesterol and 
     triglyceride levels in the liver, 
     thereby helping to reduce obesity.
   - Reduce blood sugar levels
   - Lowers blood pressure
   - Helps appetite because it contains 
     substances that have a bitter taste 
     Stimulates gastric juice to come 
     out even more
How to brew: 1 tea bag soaked in 1 glass of hot water.
(Soak for 2-5 minutes. Use a spoon to gently 
massage the envelope to dissolve can drink regularly, 
**Caution in consuming all kinds of herbs :
   Every herb has its own advantages and disadvantages. 
Consumption should be used in the right amount. 
If you have any underlying disease, you should 
consult your doctor before consuming.
**Warning: Children and pregnant women should not eat.
##thai #BitterCucumber #drink #herb #genuine #tea