(ARTIF-1614) You are bidding on an ancient tool27/" long x 1/4" wide wood handle with grooved tips for holding sinew. Average age of this artifact is 1200-1700 years old, excavated legally from St. Lawrence Island, off the coast of Alaska, by Native Yupik people who live there. ALASKAN NATIVE HANDICRAFT. THIS IS AN ANCIENT NATIVE ESKIMO ARTIFACT/HANDICRAFT tool or weapon. Native Yup'ik are a subsistence people..that means making their living from using every part of the whale, walrus or seal they hunt, and excavating artifacts from previous Eskimo villages on the island. It is 100% privately owned by the Native Yup'ik people, making their artifact excavation legal for them to sell. For the serious and discerning Native Alaskan Eskimo artifact collector.
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