Blood Moon XIII video on youtube
Have you ever felt lonely, even with other people around?

Are you looking for someone to share your life, love and great sex with?

Is this simply not happening for you?

What if You were assured that this WILL change?

Guaranteed 100% Satisfaction
Picture your perfect partner
What colour eyes do they have?

How does their skin feel as you lightly brush your fingers over their cheek?

As you hold each other tightly, what emotions are stirring within you?

Do you feel jealousy or pride as you walk hand-in-hand and passers-by view you with envy and your partner with lust?

Gaze in to your partners eyes; really feel every inch of their skin as you caress their beautiful body; give in to the multitude of emotions coursing through your body as you are both entwined in a lovers embrace; know that you are the luckiest person alive to have such an amazing companion to share your life with

This will now be your reality with the
‘Blood Moon XIII Coven Ring of Physical and Sanguinal Seduction and Enchantment’

Would you like to experience the forbidden pleasures of unequivocally sinful torrid passion?

Become the object of desire and the subject of the dreams of anyone you choose?

Today this amazing gift from the Blood Moon XIII Coven is the answer to your dreams; it is the epitome of unadulterated 100% pure animal magnetism and unmentionable seduction
The High Priest Viktor and High Priestess Isabella of the Blood Moon XIII Coven have been lovers, soul mates, friends and connubial partners for hundreds of years. With each day that passes, their love for each other grows stronger and the bond that unites them is clearly visible. They simply ooze with charismatic seduction and hypnotically enchant anyone they meet. They have agreed to help you unconditionally in order to achieve your dream

If you are seeking to attract a partner, be it for a life-time or for fun, the power within the ‘Blood Moon XIII Coven Ring of Physical and Sanguinal Seduction and Enchantment’ is made for you
This phenomenal genuine Vampyric artefact will work with your aura and subconscious mind, seeking out and locating the person who is perfect for you. It will also send out a calling to your chosen partner and orchestrate a ‘chance’ meeting or ‘accidental’ liaison.
For married or couples living together, this specially commissioned artefact will astoundingly improve your relationship, even if it is already fantastic. You will see your partner with different eyes, your relationship will reach new heights and the bond you share between you will be unsurpassable. You will be best friends, Soul mates, Lovers – inseparable

The powers within the ‘Blood Moon XIII Coven Ring of Physical and Sanguinal Seduction and Enchantment’ will turn that spark of passion in to an inferno of eroticism, revamping your love life and sexual endeavours to new and unbelievable heights

If your partner is away from you, now you will never be apart. You will hear, feel, sense and see what each other are thinking, with the phenomenal Multipotent Vampyric powers of the Blood Moon XIII Coven. If kept under your pillow at night, you will be able to visit each other in your dreams, communicated and interact with each other and even make beautiful and sensual love together, even though you are far apart

Now YOU can experience what it is like to behold the true pure love of a vampire – share their feelings, strengths, knowledge and powers. Discover the pleasure and life changing effects of encountering GENUINE ANIMAL MAGNETISM and the pure Sanguinal eroticism that is only ever experienced by this phenomenally remarkable race

It is an historic fact that Vampires are the masters of the art of Seduction; so it will come as no surprise to learn that Viktor and Isabella can transform any female in to a Sultry Enchantress and each and every man in to a Sinfully Macho Dreamboat

YOU become the prosopopeia of seductive animalistic passion; a courtisan of sexuality; a wicked inveiglerof desire. Entice anyone YOU desire with your lascivious, erotic charm. YOU will be alluring and possess a hypnotic aura that will charm anyone YOU yearn for to fall in to your seductive trap
The power within the ‘Blood Moon XIII Coven Ring of Physical and Sanguinal Seduction and Enchantment’ has solely been created by vampires, no mere mortal has influenced this is any way

The energies bound within this heirloom-quality ring will have a profound effect on your life
You WILL experience excessive energy levels, heightened libido and the feeling of being immortal

This invaluable treasure, crafted solely by Vampire hands, does not have to be worn on your finger for the full power of the Blood Moon XIII Coven to manifest. You can wear it on a chain around your neck or simply carry it in a wallet, purse or pocket
Now there’s an even better way to create the eternally monumental consanguinity with the Blood Moon XIII Coven
The crucial ‘Vampyric Corpusessence Copula Crux’ will be carried out on your behalf by the Blood Moon XIII Coven themselves. YES – YOU can have the World’s most prolific Coven of Vampires perform this vital ceremony. As if this is not fantastic enough, this comes at no extra cost to your investment! You will receive a unique statement and meditation to finalise the ‘Vampyric Corpusessence Copula Crux’. No rituals, no summoning, no unpronounceable words; you will bond with the Blood Moon XIII with mind-blowing simplicity

One of the spells cast upon this amulet is a ‘Calling Spell’. Due to its magnitude of power, the right bearer needs to be found

With the ‘Blood Moon XIII Coven Ring of Physical and Sanguinal Seduction and Enchantment’ your life WILL change beyond recognition

Do you crave a kindred spirit to share your life with?

Long for the spellbinding sensation of Seduction to fill your heart and mind with eternal bliss and happiness?

Desire the experience of a lifetime of erotic fun and sensual euphoria?

Let Viktor and Isabella show you how

You’ll be glad you did!

Baphometdawn Promises You...
Authentic Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred ancient sites
Genuine Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England
True Artefacts blessed at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as legendary today as it was in Arthurian times
Honest and trustworthy knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Metaphysical Practices
All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most items Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping (Any order under the value of $75.00 will be sent Standard Airmail unless otherwise stated)
A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small to Life-changing enquiries. Help is always available, even for items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers
An Extraordinary Investment for your Future
Just to let you know I carried out the ritual last night, energy orbs everywhere from the powers imbued upon the ring by the Blood Moon XIII coven members and a powerful manifestation of <name of spirit witheld>.
When i carry out the evocation in future i will do so to honour what has been shared with me.
Hi,Got him yesterday and wow he is starting to make his prescence known already...Last night I heard a loud scratching sound comming from the room where he is with my other dolls and he was turned a different way that I had put him...I also saw the black spots on his face were in fact red and his eyes seemed to be staring right through me with an evil glare..This is the first time a spirit has shown it self so quickly after it arrived...He is a bit scary and will take some getting used to now I can hardly wait to get the vase...please let me know when it will ship...Your items are truly for real...
You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always
hey, i had my first astral shift! and then today im sitting and my shoulder muscles popped and i felt cold like little hairs were growing. I am gettiny WAY stronger i beat my dad arm wrestling 5 times, and im a girl and hes really strong!
I received the item yesterday, and I wore it last night in bed. I was given a 'sample' of its 'abilities' or 'power' in my dream. I was conscious in my dream. Although it wasn't frightening, I was a little afraid to open my eyes. The ring on my finger was shaking and there was a presence in my room that I can't explain. I remember part of my dream when I put my finger with the ring on on top of the 'tablet', the ring kind of 'awakens' then it starts to shake and to lift my arm up in the air again. After a few repeats, I was more calm, and I just let it do what it does. I can't really judge exactly how long this lasted, but it was a good hour or so.
I don't really know what will happen next or what's in store for me. But I'm excited.
I want to give you an update with the summoning of <name of spirit witheld>. It has been a most interesting and awakening journey for me. I had all sorts of expectations (and a few fears) about taking this on. It has been a most positive and enlightening experience for me.
I did the greeting and made my requests. I could feel him studying me with a strong sense of curiosity. The encounter was a positive experience. There was no fear. In fact, the experience was identical to the contact that I have had with other spirit entities. This surprised me. I guess i expected the bowels of Hell to open up and spew forth fire and brimstone! What a mind-job religion has done on us! As I did the dismissal, I could see <name of spirit witheld> in my mind's eye. He turned and looked at me, and as he departed, gave me a small smile and said "That's a very Baroque summoning for an Aquarius!" I actually laughed out loud!
I want to thank you and your coven again for bringing me this opportunity. Please accept my wishes for all the best for you and your group.