Plot: This remarkable sequel to X-MEN, picks up shortly after the first film's finale. At the White House, a would-be assassin--the acrobatic, teleporting blue mutant Nightcrawler menaces the president. Meanwhile, in the Canadian Rockies, Wolverine searches for answers to his mysterious past at the top-secret facility where he received his metallic skeleton and claws. Back at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Jean Grey and Storm instruct students Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro, while Professor Xavier and Cyclops pay a visit to the imprisoned Magneto. However, Magneto has a secret weapon in the shape-shifting Mystique. Soon allies and enemies alike will unite to defeat the hate-filled military scientist William Stryker, who wants to rid the world of mutants. When Stryker launches a ruthless two-pronged attack that leaves the school under siege and Xavier and Cyclops captured, Wolverine and the remaining X-Men must spring to action to save their friends and prevent all-out genocide
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