found 6 pages of marking / good condition / 84 pages/ copyright 1969 #HB Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: There are two basic purposes for the exciting course you are about to study. First, to learn to truly trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior from sin and to receive that new abundant life which comes only from Him. Second, to prepare you for meaningful membership in the Lutheran Church if you are not a member, and if you are, to better equip you for full-time service to Christ, to others, and to self. Contents: Lesson 1. About a God Who cares for you. Lesson 2. About a Bible which guides and frees you. Lesson 3. About a Savior who saves you. Lesson 4. About a Spirit Who converts you. Lesson 5. About a washing that cleanses you. Lesson 6. About a meal that feeds you. Lesson 7. About a devotional life which blesses you. Lesson 8. About keys which lock and unlock. Lesson 9. About stewardship which id fully committed. Lesson 10. About a life which never ends.