The Cradle Will Fall & A Stranger Is Watching By Mary Higgins Clark Cassette Tape Audio Books Brand New Sealed

The Cradle Will Fall & A Stranger Is Watching [New Cassette Tape Audio Books] Rare, Out Of Print

Title: The Cradle Will Fall & A Stranger Is Watching

Author: Mary Higgins Clark

Narrated By: The Cradle Will Fall - Carol Higgins Clark /  A Stranger Is Watching - Betty Buckley

Format: Cassette Tape Audio Books

Brand: Simon & Schuster, Dove Audio

Genre: Crime, Suspense

UPC: The Cradle Will Fall - 022917410307 /  A Stranger Is Watching - 076714017009

Special Notes: Out Of Print, Vintage 1990's, Rare & Hard To Find

Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap (shrink wrap has shelf wear / tear)

Original Release Date: The Cradle Will Fall - no date on package /  A Stranger Is Watching - 1991

The Cradle Will Fall Synopsis:

A minor road accident landed county prosecutor Katie DeMaio in Westlake Hospital. That night, from her window, she thought she saw a man load a woman’s body into the trunk of a car...or was it just a sleeping pill induced nightmare? At work the next day, Katie began investigating a suicide that looked more like murder. Initial evidence pointed elsewhere, but medical examiner Richard Carroll saw a trail leading to Dr. Edgar Highley. He suspected that the famous doctor’s work “curing” infertile women was more than controversial—that it was deceitful, depraved, and often deadly. But before Richard could tell Katie his fears, she left the office for the weekend and an appointment for routine Dr. Highley’s operating room.

A Stranger Is Watching Synopsis:

Ronald Thompson knows he never killed Nina Peterson—yet in two days the state of Connecticut will take his life, having found him guilty via due process of law. But Thompson's death will not stop the pain and anger of Nina's husband, Steve. Thompson's death will not still the fears of Nina's six-year-old son, Neil, witness to his mother's brutal slaying. Not even the love and friendship of Sharon Martin, a journalist who is slowly becoming a part of their world, will ever erase their bitter memories. Only time, perhaps, will heal their wounds. But in the shadows a stranger waits, a cunning psychopath who has killed before, who has unfinished business at the Peterson home...

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