Title: Rick Steves European Christmas
Format: DVD (All Regions)
Brand: PBS, Oregon Public Broadcasting
Genre: Family, Holidays, Music
UPC: 015988003967
Special Notes: Out Of Print, All Regions DVD
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
Release Date: 2005
Rick Steves has dedicated his life to seeing the world, and to encouraging other Americans to do the same. Since 1973, Steves has offered the best advice on how to travel on a shoestring, befriend the locals in any town, and avoid annoying tourist traps. This special program focuses on the Christmas traditions of European nations, and includes special chapters on holiday travel through Oslo, Paris, Burgundy, and Tuscany.
Extra features include - Choir performances, Pope John Paul II's last Christmas midnight mass, Christkind interview with Rick Steves, Italian manger scenes (presepi), Slide show.