100% polyester finish Pleated Table Skirts.
Guideline to choosing the right size:
14ft Skirts - Covers 3 sides on a 6ft x 2 1/2ft banquet tablep; ( similar to the ones you find in Costco)p; - 10 clips recommended
17ft Skirts - Coversp;4 sides on a 6ft x 2 1/2ft banquet tablep; ( similar to the ones you find in Costco)p; - 15 clips recommended Covers 3 sides on a 8ft x 2 1/2ft banquet table
21ft - Covers 4 sides on a 8ft x 2 1/2ft banquet table - 24 clips minimum needed - 20 clips recommended
NOTE: all table skirts come on top for attachment to clips. Table-top covers are SOLD SEPARATELY.

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