Name: New Light Pink Plicated Cyclamen with Red Edge Flower Seeds
Quantity: 5 seeds
Package: professional pack
Tender Perennial
Ideal For:conservatory, cut flower garden
Flowering Period:January, February, March, December
Sowing Months:February, March, April
Position:sun or semi shade, dappled shade
One of the easiest Cyclamen to grow, as it is very forgiving if grown in less than ideal conditions. Quick to flower in a range of 9 colours. An intermediate variety, ideal for growing in 4 inch pots. Height: 23-30cm (9-12in).
Sow late winter to spring. Soak the seeds for 3 hours in warm water then sow 6mm (0.25in) deep in a good seed compost. Seal in a polythene bag and place in the dark until germination which usually takes 3-4 weeks at 15-18C (59-65F). Do not exceed 65F as high temperatures can prevent germination.
Transplant when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots. Pot up as required.