This particular ring is connected to the TYLWYTH TEG MOONLIGHT FAIRY SPIRIT. THE TYLWYTH TEG are Welsh fairies. They are known as nocturnal woodland Fae, who enjoy music and dancing. They are all quite beautiful and people were often attracted to them (often wishing to Marry) for this reason!
This ring is vessel to one Tylwyth Teg Fae. This fae will be most active at night, assist the bearer in guidance, strengths, overcoming obstacles and enjoying one's life, and appreciating the Arts, Music and dance. This Fae is also known for shape shifting and cloaking those who bear such a vessel in times of danger.
These Fae are often seens an illuminated "rain" and glowing dancing "fire flies"! They enjoy incense "baths and they are empowered with quartz crystals!
The bearer will be provided with a full bonding ritual!!!!
If you have read this listing, and you now feel "pulled or drawn to this POWERFUL are the meant to take her into your life!! My Thanks and GREATEST Blessings to Albina for all of her time and amazing efforts!!!!!