Amethyst Point Artisan Pendant Necklace Adjustable Jewelers Cord Power
This makes a great gift for father's day!

Size: Amethyst Point Pendant is30-40mm x 15-20mm with silvertone bead, Cord is Rubber jewelry cord with length of 26" 2mm width, adjustable length with NO clasp.
Chakra:  Crown, Third Eye, Etheric (8th - 14th)
Element: Wind
Zodiac:  Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo
Number: Vibrates to 3

This is for THREE pendant necklaces. Your necklaces will be chosen from the lot shown or very similar. Free Gift box included with info card!

Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It can be used to give up bad habits that are wrecking one's life such as gambling, drinking, drugs, shopping additions, overeating.

Amethyst can clear one's energy field of negative attachments and negative energy creating a sort of energetic "shield" which protects one from negativity and dark influences.

Useful in dealing with addictions such as sexual addiction and overeating
Helpful in overcoming excessive drinking
Beneficial in dealing with grief
Useful in dealing with all compulsive behavior
Beneficial for Protection and purification
Connects with Divine, offers spiritual protection
Clears negative and addictive patterns

Works well with Moldavite for spiritual protection. Also works well with Azeztulite, Phenacite, Scolecite.

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