Shiva Lingam Lingham Linga  Healing Crystal Narmada River in India 

Velvet Pouch is Included Male Vitality Yang Energy Ancient Knowledge

Size: 50x20mm - You will receive the Shiva shown in the photo.

Soft Black Velvet Pouch with Drawstring is included (size 2x3 inches).

Chakra: All

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Elements: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Storm

Number: Vibrates to 1, 6, 8

Hardness: 7

Country of Origin: Narmada River in Western India

Shiva Lingams (also spelled as Linga and Lingham) are egg-shaped healing crystals. They are crypto-crystalline Quartz with impurities which give them the reddish brown color.

Shiva stones are wonderful healing stones. Shiva Lingams are the sacred stone of the Narmada River in India.

Shiva Lingams are the stone of the “Kundalini.” It is the stone which stores and can transmute Kundalini activation. Shiva Lingams are also known for activating spiritual transformation and rebirth.

Esoteric legends describe a field of invisible knowledge within the Shiva Lingam where the stored psychic energy of human ritual and belief reside. When a person is able to tap into this consciousness and ancient knowledge with their Shiva Lingam, the user is exposed to all past consciousness and will receive the benefit of all those who came before.


Balances male and female energy

Balances and restores masculinity, the Yang

Activates movement of the sacred energy of the Kundalini

Holds vibrational force and power

Facilitates spiritual transformation and rebirth

Heightens enlightenment and oneness with Divine Source

Stimulates the energy systems of the human body

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