This is a listing for three Green Opal tumbled stones, selected from the lot shown in the photo. Order multiples for significant discounts! 

Size: 20-30mm 

This polished Green Opal crystal is a stone that has extensive healing powers and energy. Green Opal is a stone of purification and emotional healing.

 It is a calming gem stone, a protection stone, strengthens the will to live and gives meaning to life. Green Opal does not have the color play of precious opal, but does have a unique green Color.


Green Opal is a cleansing and rejuvenating gemstone that promotes emotional recovery, and helps your mind filter information.


 Metaphysical healing lore says that green opal is excellent for infections, childbirth, vision, blood, strengthens the immune system and protects you from colds and flu. Green Opal is associated with the Throat and Heart Chakras.

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