Thanos is the kind of enemy you don't want to make. Strong, powerful and intent on destruction! He's an ancient elemental and you can now have a stunning chrome red Thanos figure of your own in the fun funko Pop style!

Thanos in the MCU (Marvel Comic Universe) is an imposing character who is much taller than even the tallest humans. His skin is usually purple, but this version of Thanos sees him completely cast in a shiny red chrome colour. Other items in this series represent the other colours of the various Infinity Stones: yellow, blue, purple, green and orange. All of them show Thanos with an evil grimace and an outstretched hand wearing the Infinity Gauntlet.

He crosses paths with the Avengers who team up with the Guardians of the Galaxy to try to defeat the Titan. The Wakandans get involved too and the whole thing culminates in a fateful Battle of Wakanda. The aim is to prevent Tanos from snapping his fingers which would engage the power of the Infinity Stones ma

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