This a spell she was taught in her 30's called "MENTAL MAGNET". This spell focuses on empowering "the bearer's own ability to think of something often enough that it is lent power and strength and eventually enters one's reality". She explains that often we notice that the more we think and believe in something it becomes "part of our world". With this spell, this ability is enhanced by ancient energies and thus the energies produced by one strengthened focus will manifest desires and goals into reality with an accelerated speed and with less effort". She does note that does not have to worry about being depressed or thinking negative thoughts while utilizing this Magickal, because the First element will "rid the mind" if negative mental energies before one's focused mental energies are enhanced!! This amazing spell has three elements!
The Quiet Mind: The First element of this complex spell will draw in "cleansing" energies that "clear the mind and free one of negative thinking such as "worries, depressed thoughts, unnecessary burdens and stresses". Then, this element will begin magnifying one's ability to manifest one's thoughts and desires into reality by "drawing in ancient, secret energies that empower the bearer's primal ability to empower thoughts, strengthen mental energies and direct these energies towards desires and goals!
The Wakening Mind: This second element will alow one to focus one's enhanced energies by "illuminating" these energies with such a powerful force of the ancient energies that "one will almost unwittingly and only by instinst" be able to send forth one's "empowered mental energies that bring one's goals and desries closer and within grasp" as the primal ability to manifest what one "lends power to" becomes greatly enhanced and accelerated by the immense charge of power! Albina says many also develop "extra" gifts such as osychic visions, dreams, telepathy and even Clairaudient (hearing spirits) abilities as these energies begin to take effect!
The Shining Mind: The final element of this spell will magnify one's ability to "think" one's way to success and satisfaction as the ability to "direct and master" one's newfound enhanced skill of bringing goals to fruition become even more potent! Albina says that once again instinct will 'assist in helping the bearer adapt to one's rising level of energies and offer a primal knowledge of how to "use" this higher level of power to bring forth advanced desires!! She describes this final element as " allowing the bearer to truly feel the connection between all things and how to draw that which is desired with the enhanced power of one's own mental energies!"
My SINCERE Thanks to Albina for all of her time and amazing skills!!