As shown, HTF SOUTHERN FARMS POTATO CHIPS 14 OZ. CAN TIN KETTLE JALAPENO GRAPHICS ALABAMA. Empty Vintage Nostalgia by Golden Flake Snack Foods Birmingham, Alabama. Once contained both Old Fashioned & Jalapeno Kettle Cooked in Peanut Oil flavors! Taller cylinder measures approx. 12 1/8" Hgt x 7 1/2" Wide diameter. Estate acquired without contents ~ acceptable preowned loved condition: see photos, as tried to show both panoramic + top/inside/underside multiple views (moderate roughed sporadic scuffs/scratches/color variations/few indents/rust-tarnish >mainly inside & underside base from Aged typical usage/displayed wear, shown.
Still Memorabilia life left to display/enjoy ~ Keep for yourself or gift idea Someone Special! :)