Plot: Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack exclusively for NVIDIA Shield Android TV and Tablet! Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living planet. All-New Characters and All-New Classes: Four all new playable classes including the Siren, the Commando, the Gunzerker and the Assassin. Dual machine guns? Cool. Dual rocket launchers? Of course! Dual Sniper Rifles? Sure, if that’s your thing! Want to try other styles? More tactical perhaps? There are multiple classes to choose from! 87 Bazillion...Everything: In addition to the new gun system, you will lust after procedurally generated shields, grenades, Relics, class mods and much, much more. And you thought the original Borderlands had a ton of loot! 032022-032022P-VG1
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