The Life Millennium
The 100 Most Important Events & People of the Past 1,000 Years
Published 1998
A Pictorial History of the World - And the Discoveries that Changed it
Gutenberg Prints the Bible - Columbus's Voyage - Luther Knocks - The Industrial Revolution - Galileo's Telescope - Germ Theory - Gunpowder Weapons - A Declaration to the World - Hitler Comes to Power - The Compass Goes to Sea - The Wizard of Menlo Park - Of Human Bondage - A Shot in the Arm - Live From Schenectady - How Did we get Here? - The Day Time Stood Still - Ford's Model T - The Crusaders Were Here - Seeds of Democracy - The Telephone - And 80 More
Thomas Edison - Christopher Columbus - Martin Luther - Galileo Galilei - Leonardo Da Vinci - Isaac Newton - Ferdinand Magellan - Louis Pasteur - Charles Darwin - Thomas Jefferson - William Shakespeare - Napoleon Bonaparte - Adolf Hitler - Zheng He - Henry Ford - Sigmund Freud - Richard Arkwright - Karl Marx - Nicolaus Copernicus - Orville & Wilbur Wright - And 80 More