100X  FULL COVEN FAIRY TALE MARRIAGE MAGNIFIER 3 spellS CAST for you LED by 99 year cast this potent FAIRYTALE MARRIAGE Spell for you!!





100X FULL COVEN FAIRY TALE spell Cast for you AND LED BY 99 year old Witch

 Albina AND OUR COVEN will cast her amazing spell for you!! 


This is a spell she calls



The 1ST SPELL IS her "Marriage Magnetism". This is a form of Magick that increases one allure, captures the interest of the one desired and one's ideal match for Marriage. Albina says that this spell will also attract a "wealthy and prosperous" marriage as well!! As a result, she chose to begin sharing this spell with her "dear ones!" This spell has three main elements:

The Nest Egg: This first element draws in the potent Ancient energies to dramatically enhance one's "natural, primal powers of attraction". This enhancement will increase attractiveness and others "need to be near" one as well. Albina says this element has been specifically tailored to attract one's ideal mate for marriage as well as one who has a "nest egg' ready for a prosperous marriage!

To the Alter: The Second Element of this spell draws in energies that will "pair one with one's 'twin' soul mate" with a charge of power that one's twin mate can subconsciously detect! This "calling' will bring forward one's ideal soul mate directly to one. one will also find that marriage is quickly "in the cards' as this potent element becomes effective!!

A Prosperous love: This final element is as Albina says "BLESSES one with either a wealthy mate or if one;s twin is not yet wealthy, this spell will bless one and one;s twin with immense Success, a "silver spoon" of energies that bring forward GREAT Wealth and a prosperous pairing!! She calls this element a "TREASURE of Magick for one's future marriage!

2******* THIS 2ND SPELL IS a spell called "Mystical Love" spell. She says that this spell will allow the bearer to not only dream their "most pure" true love, one will also gain the energies that "amplify the energies to draw "a fated pair" to each other!! This love could either be one's current, past or future unknown love. Albina has consecrated many other pieces in her time with this very spell. She adds that the this spell's energy seems to "heighten greatly" during a full moon. 

Albina adds that one's "Mystical Love" is usually one who has an energy that one is connected with on a spiritual level. She explains that often, we cannot "make this connection" because of all the distractions in daily life, pressures by society to just "find someone" or to simply"be happy" and other influences that "interfere with out natural ability to attract this person to us as well as us to them". As a result, Albina created this spell many years ago in order to "assist Magickally by magnifying the energies to a level in which one will receive subconscious messages in the form of dreams about their most pure love". She adds that this magnificent spell will also assist by heightening the powers of attraction to a degree in which "signals will be sent as well as recived by this true love" greatly increasing the possibilities of these two coming in contact and connecting with each other. She even says that "many who have recived these pieces have later confided that they could actually hear their love calling out to them and that their love 'heard' them answering them". Of course at the time, the pair had thought they were "merely dreaming" only to later find out that they were "communicating without consciously realizing it!" Albina says that this is a spell that offers a spiritual communication as well as a dramatic heightening of one's powers of attraction towards their true love! 

*****3))-THE THIRD SPELL IS A  spell is called "Triumphant Beauty & Love". Albina says that this spell will bring forth one's "spiritual being of light" and this will result in enhancing both one's inner as well as outer beauty as well as enhancing one's attractiveness to others! She adds that with this form of Magick one will also achieve a healthy physical weight, balance within self & environment, healing, unconditional love, spiritual guidance and higher meditation as well!! She says that this long held and practiced spell has 3 elements:

*) The Shining Beauty- This element of the spell will attract energies that promote as Albina says " balance, healing and communication", all of which effect how one is perceived by those around one as well as how one "views" oneself! She says the bearer can expect to; "speak elequoently with an ease of communication as well as absorbing information with the same ease, accept others as well as oneself without judgment, gain a spiritual and physical balance that promotes healthy mental states as well as physical weight, and finally one will find they 'heal' at an accelerated rate both mentally and physically when 'injured' either emotionally of physically." All of these strengths will grant the bearer a noticable "beauty" that will actually effect one's appearance as if the bearer is exhuding a constant warmth and light that others are drawn towards!

*) Hidden Beauty- Albina says that this element of the spell will help one to accept "truths" about oneself, such as the fact that one IS a true being of light by erasing any feelings of "guilt, or being unloved and unaccepted". She says that one will solidify the acceptance of unconditional love for oneself as well as others during this phase of the spell! She adds that this element also awakens the finner, inner self, clears blockages, and stimulates activity where one was "inactive". She also says that past pain and feelings of inferiority are banished with this element as well!! She says that one will notice an increase in one's "attractiveness" as people become more and more interested in one during this element and she notes that many have found " true love" as a result of this element!!!

*) The Beauty Around Us- Albina says that this element helps the bearer to gain "higher" spiritual guidance now that the bearer has "cleared blockages and accepted and brought forth one's being of light". She says that as a result of the first two elements, the bearer will be able to receive guidance as well as deeper and more detailed meditative experiences to enrich and achieve higher power!! She adds that one will also find that one will want to "share" this information with others and that others feel "drawn" towards one's "open" energies! She notes that this element will completely "open the bearer to all of the beauty around one and all those within and just entering one's life". In the end, she says one will find they are experiencing "deeper more loving relations, and higher communications without blocks or interference".






In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELLS COLLECTION OF ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!




Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given