Season: Perennial
USDA Zones: 4 - 8
Height: 4 inches
Width: 12 - 18 inches
Bloom Season: Late spring to early fall
Bloom Color: Lavender
Growth Rate: Moderate
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Edge the borders of your herb, flower or vegetable garden with Mother of Thyme seed. It is low-growing and spreading, with spikes of lavender bloom clusters. Mother of Thyme blooms all summer long, and the foliage is an evergreen in most locations. Easy-to-grow from Creeping Thyme seeds, this creeping plant is also used between paving-stones or bricks in walk ways. It has a highly fragrant scent that rises up to greet you as you walk along a pathway of Mother of Thyme. It is a hardy perennial, handling summer heat and winter cold. Once it is established is can withstand periods of drought although moderate watering helps it perform its best. Butterflies and bees devour the Mother of Thyme herb blooms yet deer and rabbits seem to leave it alone.