BRANDI ALEXANDER and LEXIE FYFE are experienced, championship caliber professional wrestlers. But even THEY seem a bit in awe of one known and respected the world over, the most formidable LEILANI KAI!

It's obvious that Brandi and Lexie want to prove something to Leilani, which may have been their first mistake, since Leilani is rarely impressed by anyone else. As is the case in such matches, alliances are broken as quickly as they are formed, as these three agressive gals work any number of punishing holds on each other, soon working to eliminate one girl, then another, leaving only one wrestler standing to claim the victory.

Soon it's evident that the only chance Brandi and Lexie have against Leilani's rough-house tactics is to join forces to take down a legend. Leilani faces the rule-breaking pair with no ref to bail her out, and both falls of this 30 minute match are taken by submission.

Leilani lets it be known what she thinks of the "bimbos" Lexie and Brandi, and challenges them to a tag-team match which the pair accepts.

About 30 Minutes

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