It might sound like hype, but as hype nips at your ears every day from every corner, who gives a damn? You’re smart. Your BS detector is strong; take this missive with a grain of salt, but don’t talk yourself out of opening your ears to this mix-by-one-band-how-can-this-be-one-band? that fell from the skies of Puerto Santa Maria, Spain and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Start with Gary Louris and Kraig Jarret Johnson’s "You Make It Easy." A breezy love song about breezy commitment. Listen. To that solo. To those harmonies. Dare yourself not to sing along. Try to play "name the influences" and you will have fun but you will fail.

Then check out "Hurricane," and hear Dan Murphy, singing his guts out and having, like the title track he co-penned says, "another fine day." Dig Louris and Jeff Tweedy’s "Listen Joe," and how they sing to themselves and a long-gone friend, "surprise, surprise, everyone dies."

Listen. To what every new breed that comes along calls "old school," to sounds baked into these guys since the days of vinyl. Feel the embers of all the mystics, all the Gram Parsons and Eagles and Zeppelin and Buzzcocks and Flaming Lips and Gorillaz (Kraig’s fave of the moment) records and all the rest that they’ve ingested. Truly, these cats have forgotten more records than the rest of us have sold to the used record store.

Track listing

1. You Make It Easy

2. Another Fine Day

3. 5-22-02

4. Long Time Ago

5. Corvette

6. Beautiful Mind

7. Listen Joe

8. Cure for This

9. Hurricane

10. Strangers

11. Frying Pan Eyes

12. Gone

13. Never Felt Before

14. I Can

15. Think About Yourself

UPC: 602498890431