Plot: Brace yourself for a journey beyond your worst nightmares in a horrific explosion of gut-wrenching battles, lethal flying spheres and a spine-tingling quest to discover, once and for all, the secret of the mysterious Tall Man. Including outtake footage excised from the bone-chilling original, Phantasm: Oblivion is a nerve-shattering thriller from start to finish! For years, the Tall Man has waged a gruesome war against humanity, slowly populating the world with his undead legions. To stop the horrifying onslaught, two determined heroes, Michael and Reggie, hurtle themselves through a gateway in the time/space continuum, to unearth a vital clue that may put an end to the horror. But time is running out as the Tall Man amasses his dark army for a blood-curdling final assault in which Michael and Reggie must fight not only for their own lives, but the lives of all mankind. 100921-100921P-VHS3
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