l Orlando Carlo Calumeno Koleksiyonu'ndan Kartpostallarla Diyarbak?r Vilayetinde Ermeniler Diyarbak?r Surp Giragos Kilisesi'nin restore edilip ibadete yeniden aç?lmas? vesilesiyle yay?nlanan bu kitap, 2005'te ilk bask?s?n? yapt???m?z Orlando Carlo Calumeno Koleksiyonu'ndan Kartpostallarla 100 Y?l Önce Türkiye'de Ermeniler kitab?n?n Diyarbak?r vilayeti bölümünün geni?letilmi? yeniden bas?m?d?r. Kitapta bugünkü Diyarbak?r ilinin yan? s?ra Mardin, Midyat, Nusaybin, Siverek, Ergani, Cizre, Palu ve civar?nda 20. yüzy?l ba??nda nas?l bir Ermeni toplumunun ya?ad???, Orlando Carlo Calumeno Koleksiyonu'ndan 58 kartpostal ve haritan?n e?li?inde anlat?l?yor. .... l Armenians in Diyarbak?r Province With the Postcards from the Collection of Orlando Carlo Calumeno This book, published on the occasion of the restoration and re-opening to worship of the Church of Surp Giragos in Diyarbak?r, is an enlarged version of the chapter on the province of Diyarbak?r in Armenians in Turkey 100 Years Ago, with the Postcards from the Collection of Orlando Carlo Calumeno first published in 2005. Accompanied by 58 postcards and maps from the Collection of Orlando Carlo Calumeno, the book tells the story of Armenian communities who lived in Mardin, Midyat, Nusaybin, Siverek, Ergani, Cizre and Palu as well as in the settlements tied to the modern Diyarbak?r at the beginning of the 20th century.l Sayfa Say?s?: 72l Bask? Y?l?: 2011l Dili: Türkçe / ?ngilizcel Yay?nevi: Birzamanlar Yay?nc?l?k