Visually Inspected by Owner: Paperback as pictured, no marks in text and binding solid. 1958, 159 pages. Clean copy. Ships quickly with tracking info. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: It is the hope of the writer that this little book will help its readers to appreciate more fully the wonderful self-evidencing unity and authority of the Bible. For this the Pentateuch is especially adapted. It lays the foundation of all that follows, both in the Old Testament and in the New. It points forward to the coming of One who would be like unto, yet far greater than, Moses, in whom, as the promised Saviour, God has made fully known His grace and truth for a sin-cursed world. God spake by Moses to His people of old; and those who will hearken to Moses today will find that he is pointing them to One who said of the great Lawgiver of ancient Israel, "He wrote of Me." Readers of "The Life of Faith" [a London periodical] will recognize in this volume the Lessons of the Pentateuch which appeared in its pages during the last quarter of 1949. They have been revised and considerably enlarged, but are in other respects substantially the same. [From the Author's Preface]