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Blue Calcite Rough Stone 40mm QTY1 Healing Crystal Astral Travel Dreamwork
Blue Calcite Tumbled Stone Reiki Healing Crystal

SIZE:  20-25mm measured across longest side.
CHAKRA: Throat,Third Eye
ELEMENT:  Fire, Air
ZODIAC:  Cancer
NUMBER:  Vibrates to Number 8

This is for THREE tumbled stones selected from lot shown.  These are truly shamanic stones, for the astral traveler and journeyer.

High quality - Beautiful baby blue color - your stone will be chosen from lot pictured. 
These are natural stones and vary in size and color.

Calcite is a powerful energy cleanser and is used to clean negative energy out of a room.

Enhances psychic ability
Beneficial during astral travel
Stimulates one's access to inspiration
Opens up pathways to subconscious realms
Helpful in dreamwork and dream recall

Blue calcite can be used for recuperation after illness
It relaxes, and is useful for high blood pressure
Helps to alleviate pain
Useful as a way to sooth nerves
Releases negative emotions
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