Thank you for visiting us. I hope that you will find here what you are looking for. All our items are magical proven, and currently located in Israel - to here they found their way in many very interesting stories. I hope that these items will improve your life and bring you to the place you want. 




Powerful Yemen Mind Spell


Hamjadah's Daughter



This Charm was made and blessed by Hmajadah Ol-g'-Wahba, a well known Yemen Jewish witch.



Hmajadah was born approximately hundred and ten years ago in a suburb of Sana'a - the capital of north Yemen. Her father was a jewelry maker and trader, and her mother was the community healer. Therefore, magic was never a stranger at Hmajadah's world.



Hmajadah's community was a heterogeneous – a mix between Moslems, Arabs and Jews, that lived together in harmony. Due to her parents occupation Hmajadah was exposed to both Arabs and Jewish mystical worlds. When she was twelve years old her mother died in labor, and left her the region's senior witch in spite of her young age. Hmajadah had to study the magic quickly. And she did.



Combining Her Studies of the 2 spiritual worlds, she forges magical items during sun and moon eclipses and full moons for it combines the Yemen faith of the sun and the Jewish faith of the moon.



Not only that Hmajadah (and her daughter) are one of the only people in the world witch combine the knowledge in Yemen witchcraft and Jewish Kabala, she is also one of the only woman who where exposed to the Kabala's dark secrets at the eastern world.




































Mind Control Spell



This is a mind control spell. While few people realize that, changing a person's mind is one of the hardest things possible. At the end of the day, throughout history, it is our minds and descisions that shape the world. Both our personal history and the world history are written by descisions made by people. It is the most dramatic and important thing life have to offer.



Changing ones mind is not only bot a simple task, but can also have dramatic consequences. Making somone love you, or fall in love with you again can change both your life and theirs. Making somone like someone, hate someone, become friends, break up make a crime or an act of kidness can all lead to endless other outcomes. Actions bring other actions. 


And so, this spell will do that. Control someone's mind and make them want what you want but do keep in mind that this is not an easy task and I urge you to use this for good as well as be absolutely sure of what you want. Make sure you really are ready for the change that you are looking for. 



 I wish you the best of luck with this spell.







BEWARE: The kabbalah is considered (in the Jewish community) as a very dangerous thing and only people who are above 40 are permitted to study it! This ring contains the power of the Kabbalah, so do not bid if you are not SURE of your mental powers!




Payment: We accept only PayPal. Thank you for the understanding. Payment must be set within 72 hours.

Shipment: We ship by express mail from Israel within 3 days from payment. Once the item is sent, you will get a mail with the tracking number. Avrage arrival time is 7 buisness days. Please contact us with problems only after 14 days

Buy few items and save!: Every aditional item you buy will cost only 3$ to ship!


Remember to be happy and blessed!

Thank you for looking at our Items!


DISCLAIMER: The law requires that metaphysical/paranormal items be sold for entertainment purposes only. You must be at least 18 years old to bid. The seller is not liable for misuse of this product, nor guarantee that the item will work magically. The items are not a substitute for professional medical, spiritual or emotional care.