Nikola Tesla's Death Ray and The Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster by Sean Casteel
Read the facts NASA and the government don't want you to know. This edition provides evidence that the space agency issued warnings to the public about the danger of coming in contact with space shuttle debris in order to cover up the true cause of the Columbia disaster. Were they attempting to conceal the fact that a weapon first envisioned by legendary inventor Nikola Tesla over 80 years ago was the real culprit that brought down the ship and killed the 7 astronauts? Learn about the San Francisco photographer who took photos of the Columbia as it passed over the Bay Area. The photos, when developed, revealed anomalous flashes of purple light around the shuttle minutes before it was destroyed. NASA later confiscated the photographer's camera and flew it to Mission Control by a special jet. What did the camera contain that made it so crucial for NASA to take possession of it? The book also includes the full text of a 1940 newspaper article in which Tesla first unveils the invention of his 'Death Ray' to a sympathetic reporter. Did other scientists pick up where Tesla left off and create a super weapon the likes of which the world has never seen before?Was a device Tesla intended to be used defensively developed into a horrifying offensive weapon instead? Another chapter deals with the rumoured Soviet conspiracy to sabotage the US space program, leaving a path of destruction in their wake that includes eight US rockets destroyed over a 19 month period. Was the USSR also responsible for the Challenger disaster in 1986? This book will be of special interest to those who have long thought that much of Tesla's work continues behind our backs and underground by a Secret Government that has a global agenda of world domination.
As new, signed and dated 2003 by the author, Sean Casteel. First edition.