From the Small duchy of Luxembourg in the Old World, there came to America two sisters, burning with a desire to teach the Indians the religion of Christ. The two girls journeyed all the way to Milwaukee, but did not find any Indians to teach. Instead, they found a religious vocation. After taking Vows, Sister Alfred launched a program for founding schools and convents. She was made the first Mother Superior General of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Joliet. Through her great magnetism and zeal Mother Alfred fostered the vocations of countless postulants and founded an ?Empire of Schools.? On one of these occasions, she was invited to found a school in Rochester, Minnesota, and met Doctor Mayo, who became the new convent?s ?family doctor.? Later, as a result of a. terrible hurricane that ravaged Rochester, she decided to found a hospital. Soon there grew up in Rochester the famous St. Mary?s Hospital, nick-named ?the clinic in the cornfields,? staffed by Doctor Mayo and his sons. To this day St. Mary?s is one of the great hospitals of the world. This is an inspiring tale of devotion to an ideal and a rousing story of the Work of doctors and nurses.
No writing or highlighting. Dust jacket has small 1/4" tear and fraying at the top of the spine. Hardcover corners sharp.