Measures 9-7/32" X 12-7/32", 44 pp including covers, b&w photos and illustrations, Volume 20, Number 8 (October 1954), published by Child Training Association (IL).
Calendar For October 1954 - art by RUTH VAN TELLINGEN
We Went To Italy -- by LILLIAN DAVIDSON
A Good Citizen For Halloween -- by JOHN E. ANDERSON, illustrated by DAVI BOTTS
Susie And The Ballet Family : Part 1 (serialized story) -- by LEE WYNDHAM, artist unknown
Fire Fighters (nonfiction) -- by NILA O'HEARN, art by SIDNEY QUINN
Dream Hero (short story) -- by CHARLES COOMES, art by SEYMOUR FLEISHMAN
Mr. Squigums And The Magic Trick (short story) -- by GRACYE DODGE WHITE, art by BARBARA CLYNE
Mother's Helper (three poems): Pleasing Mother -- by VIVIAN G. GOULED
Making Cake -- by NONA KEEN DUFFY
(All art by BARBARA CLYNE)
The Freedom Tree (nonfiction) -- by HELEN REEDER CROSS, art by JANET SMALLEY
On The Farm (short story) -- by BLANCHE CARTER BOWERS, art by MATILDA BREUER
Water And Bread For Thirsty Travelers (short story) -- by JESSIE ELEANOR MOORE, art by DANIEL J. O'BRIEN
Guess Who? (easy costumes for Halloween) -- writer unknown, art by ROBIN
Halloween Party (planning a party, with crafts, etc) -- by HELEN C. SHOEMAKE, art by LBW
Shadow Pictures (poem & hidden picture page) -- by ELSIE WEAVER KETTLER, art by FRANCES ECKART
October Poster (CHARTER OAK) -- written & illustrated by JANET SMALLEY
Just Fun! (assorted puzzles, games, etc) --
Witch Hunt (maze) -- written & illustrated by CLARENCE BIERS
Strange Doings (poem) -- by NONA KEEN DUFFY
Single Panel Cartoon -- by FRANK LAVAN
What Would You Do? (manners quiz) -- by EDITH WARNER & ARTIE E. APPLETON
Let's Have Some Cake (word quiz) -- by ETHEL DURNAL POSEGATE
Ha! Ha! (jokes)
A Riddle -- by WILL WILLIAMS
Teddy-Boo Telling You (poem) -- writer unknown, art by RUTH VAN TELLINGEN
Divide And Conquer (game) -- by GERARD MOSLER, artist unknown
I Am An Owl (poem) -- by NONA KEEN DUFFY, artist unknown
Animalology (quiz) -- by HELEN HOUSTON BOILEAU
What State Am I? (quiz) -- by HORTENSE ROBERTA ROBERTS, artist unknown
Crossword Puzzle -- by EDNA P. KING, artist unknown
Green Thumb Special -- by APRIL WINTERS, art by FRANCES ECKART
And Now A Bright Red Fire Truck To Test Your Wood-Working Skill -- by C. J. MAGINLEY, art by FITZ
Jimmie Acorn And His Forest Friends (short story) -- by EDITH FORBUSH, art by RUTH VAN TELLINGEN
Little Brown Bear (short story) -- by ELIZABETH UPHAM, art by GUY J. BROWN
Twinkle Plays Ghost (word puzzle story) -- by CATHERINE STAHLMAN, artist unknown
The Doings Of Daffy And Dandy (safety & good manners cartoons) -- by JOSEPHINE VAN DOLZEN PEASE
Deep Canyons And Tall Towers (nonfiction) -- written & Illustrated by CARROLL LANE FENTON
Up In Jo's Garrett (letters, recipes, drawings, poems, jokes, etc from children readers)
Pictures By Children (reader contributions)
Grandpa Davis (paper dolls) -- by DAVI BOTTS
Brave Columbus (song) -- by MARIAN WESCOTT, artist unknown
Treasure Hunt (toys & games to purchase) -- selected by EMILY WILSON
Shipping charges include postage (including USPS Tracking on domestic shipments), packaging materials, labor & fuel (the nearest post office is 14 MILES away!); but I do combine shipping charges on multiple items -- so fill up that cart NOW an' save some $$$!