The coin features the Welsh Red Dragon. The Welsh Red Dragon was featured in the early legends of Merlin and became the battle standard for King Arthur and other Celtic leaders. Today the Welsh Red Dragon is on the flag of Wales. The red dragon is seen symbolizing all things Welsh and is used by many private and public institutions. Stories compiled in the 12th and 13th centuries from earlier oral tradition were written in Mabinogion. The Mabinogion story tells of the red dragon fighting with an invading white dragon. The pained shrieks from the dragons caused women to miscarry, livestock to perish and crops to become barren. Lludd, King of Britain, under his wise brother Llefely’s instruction, digs a pit, fills it with mead and covers it with cloth. The dragons drink the mead and fall asleep. Wrapped in the cloth, Lludd imprisons them in a knoll located in northwest Wales, Dinas Emrys, Snowdonia. Historia Brittonum continues the saga, and the dragons remain for centuries in Dinas Emrys. Eventually King Vortigern attempts to build a castle on the site. Each night the castle walls and foundation are mysteriously demolished. Advisors to the King instruct him to sacrifice a boy without a father – in some lore, this boy is Merlin. Upon hearing of his coming demise, Merlin informs the King of the two dragons. The King unearths the hill setting the dragons free. The two dragons continue their fight with the red dragon ultimately defeating the white dragon.

The Necklace is 925 sterling solid Silver 2 mm snake 24 inch chain Necklace.

The Pendant is a Vintage Silver Alloy Round measuring 40 mm in diameter.

It comes with the beautiful cotton bag shown.