About the Fairy charm: 3/4" x 3/4", sterling fairy charm. Extremely lovely piece imbued with a very high level of Magick!!
OUR FULL COVEN 27X CAST this CAPTIVATING Fairy charm with Alexandria's VERY powerful "Imperial Fortune & Happiness" spell.
This HIGHLY potent spell promotes as Albina says " Amazing good fortune in the form of instant prosperity, happy outcomes, positive experiences and many positive changes mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She says that one will actually "marvel at how so many aspects of one's life seem to turn from either a constant state or a stagnant state into a state of growth, change, and GREAT movement all for the better!" She did say however, that the most POWERFUL aspect of Alexandria's spell, is how this POTENT energy of her Magick causes " that which is dearest to one, to remain close to one". She explains that Alexandria's spell creates such a powerful "bonding energy" that it strengthens all relationships, not by force, but instead by strengthening all of the common energies between one and those one loves and cares for. Albina thought that with all of the celebrations about to take place, especially between loved ones, this spell's energy would be ideal!!
Albina goes on to say that this same "bonding energy" also "protects" all that one has acquired in the form of property and finances by also "keeping these things close to one" and thereby protected from loss. As a result, she says that one can expect to find that when financial or property decisions are to be made, and one begins to make the improper choice, one will definitely receive a sign that "causes a disruption in one going ahead with the decision of it is to result in any possible loss of finances or property".
Finally, Albina says that because Alexandria's spells are so powerful, she added an element to her spells that bring out a "natural" gift within the bearer that has not "shown itself". This gift could range from the power of telepathy, telekinisis, psychic visions, to clairvoyiant abilities, teleportation and shape shifting abilities. Albina says that because Alexandria achieved all of these abilities and more, she desired allowing others to experience at least one "of the great lighted ways of nature". In turn, she added an element to many of her POWERFUL spells that allow the bearer to achieve such a wonderful gift by "bringing forth" one's own "hidden talent"!! Albina says that Alexandria felt, "that money and fortune were only enjoyed if one tuly could recognize their own Natural potential!!" My Greatest Thanks and BLESSINGS to Albina as well as Alexandria for all of their wonderful abilities!!