The Numismatic Magazine
An Illustrated Monthly Journal Devoted Entirely to Coin Collectors
Edited By C. Hearn Nunn
Bury S. Edmunds: Nunn and Christie, 1890
Volume 5, Numbers 49 - 60 (January - December)
Bound full Year (12 issues) of this rare monthly publication on coins and coin collecting. Each issue is ~8 pages. Some articles include:
- A New American Coinage
- Boat Race Medalet
- A Roman Coin of Cadiz
- Chinese Silver Coinage
- Ancient Coinage of Egypt
- The First Three Trademen's Tokens Issued in New York.
Brown ruled cloth boards with gilt-stamped titles. 96 pages + index. Occasional illustrations. 7.5" x 5".
Please see the other full bound years of this magazine listed in my store (will combine mailing for multiple purchases).