Wonderful versatility in the kitchen- Braised and Simmered, Sautéed or stir -fried, baked or roasted, you can even put it in your slow cooker! Great for cabbage lovers- Giant (up to 10 pounds) heads and superb flavor. They have a large central head and few external leaves. This plant is one of the best for long-term storage and can keep for an average of two weeks if stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Cabbage is a cool seasoned crop, which is well suited for the early Spring and early to late Autumn season. The seeds can be started indoors, or directly outdoors. If started indoors, sow in peat pots, 6 to 8 weeks prior to the last frost, at a depth of 1/4? under topsoil. Transplant into the garden, or direct sow outdoors, when the weather is slightly cool to warm. Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep, 12 inches apart, in rich, fertile soil. Germination occurs in 7-14 days, and heads are ready to be harvested when they are dense and firm. (Cabbage plants will thrive in cooler temperatures). It is recommended to place them in an area of full sunlight, with temperatures averaging around 60F to 65F. The plants will need a soil that is rich in organic matter, but also well drained. If your sowing area is filled with hard, compact soil, we recommend adding in a light compost mix to improve drainage. Water the plants daily to ensure that the soil is kept moist until germination has occurred. Harvest your Cabbage heads in roughly 100 days.