Plot: A Terrifying, Screaming Plunge To The Depths Of Hell! No one can escape the terrifying clutches of Mara, Queen of the Black Witches, who gruesomely sacrifices captive men within the confines of her diabolical castle. With the aid of powerful black magic, reincarnation, and a bevy of maiden disciples, Mara wreaks havoc on her enemies and seeks revenge against those who have tortured and persecuted witches throughout the centuries. The only chance to stop this supernatural siren lies with Dr. Helsford, a parapsychology professor who uses his knowledge of the dark arts to aid two potential victims in a fiery battle to the death against forces of evil! A delirious witches' brew laced with psychic powers, marauding animals, bikini-clad devil girls, and old-fashioned burnings at the stake, this drive-in favorite from independent legend Ted V. Mikels (glimpsed here as a witch killer) takes you on a nightmarish, colorful journey into magic and mayhem. Watch it in a dark room, and Mara might appear to cast a spell on you, too! 070521-070521P-DVD3
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