condition: 3.0 grade Appearing in "Where Strides the Behemoth!"This story is a reprint of the comic Tales to Astonish #67. Featured Characters:HulkSupporting Characters:Glenn TalbotVillains:Kanga KhanOther Characters: Locations:Behind the Iron Curtain Items: Vehicles: Synopsis for "Where Strides the Behemoth!" --For a full synopsis of this comic, please see the original publishing of this comic in Tales to Astonish #67.-- Appearing in "The Return of the Blob"This story is a reprint of the comic X-Men #7. Appearances not yet listed Synopsis for "The Return of the Blob" --For a full synopsis of this comic, please see the original publishing of this comic in X-Men #7.-- Appearing in "Trapped by... the Fellowship of Fear!"This story is a reprint of the comic Daredevil #6. Appearances not yet listed Synopsis for "Trapped by... the Fellowship of Fear!" --For a full synopsis of this comic, please see the original publishing of this comic in Daredevil #6.