Our new 8TH EDITION Oregon Road & Recreation Atlas has arrived!

Oregonians love their state, Benchmark's home state, and they love this atlas. They rave about how clearly it maps the roads - ALL of them - and its accuracy, page overlap, and how easy it is to find landmarks. The Landscape Maps in the latest edition are dramatically improved, with better terrain clarity and detail.


Dimension: 16" x 11". 112 pages. 8th Edition 2018. ISBN 978-0-929591-60-5

Our maps of Oregon are field checked for accuracy, and feature all of the important outdoor recreation categories and cultural interests.

Highways of the Northwestern U.S. and Oregon (Hwy 20, I5, I84)
Recreation and Public Lands Detail
Highly Detailed Landscape Maps
Index of counties, cities, parks, mountains, lakes & rivers.
Detailed Portland Metro Map
GPS Grid
Map Scales: Recreation Maps 1:750,000 1" =11.8 miles. Landscape Maps 1:225,000 1" =3.6 miles. Metro Maps 1:125,000 1" =2 miles.