Title: The Horizon Cookbook Volume I & II
Format: Hard Cover Boxed Set
Brand: American Heritage / Doubleday & Company
Genre: Food, Cookbook, History
ISBN 10: 1122265492
ISBN 13: 9781122265492
Special Notes: Out Of Print, 2 Book Boxed Set
Condition: Used With Original Reciept from 1969
Original Release Date: 1968
Volume 1 contains pages 1 to 384 with index. The first volume covers the History of Eating and Drinking with both black and white and color illustrations. Volume 2 contains pages 385 to 768 with menus and recipes with an index and multiple illustrations. On page 392-412 are 19 menus adapted from old documents and the literature of other days and places around the world. Taken from old manuscripts, old cookbooks, historic menus, and other original documents that were available when this set was published in 1968.