The edible leaves are characterized by a distinctive spicy flavor similar to other mixed salad greens. It is a low growing, 8 to 24 inches, herbaceous annual with green, deeply cut, compound leaves. Plants grow densely and develop white or yellowish blossoms with deep violet or reddish veins. Native to the Mediterranean region, it grows wild throughout southern Europe.Seeds can be sown directly into garden when soil is warm. Ancient Romans and Egyptians considered it to be an aphrodisiac. The British cultivated it for centuries, and it was in the earliest gardens in New England. Today rocket is popular with Italians, French, Spanish, Greeks, and Egyptians; it is becoming more popular in the United States. The entire plant may be harvested, or individual leaves may be cut from the plant. Leaves give a sharp, spicy, peppery taste. in mixed salads, complementing both Iceberg Lettuce and Romaine . Best used raw in salads and in tomato dishes when the serrated leaves are only two to three inches long. It can be steamed, cooked as a potherb, or pureed and added to soups. Harvested leaves can be frozen for later use, similar to spinach or other greens.
Zones 3-10