What makes the beauty of the house lately, what with overdrive and products are creams designed for women, girls and men for bleaching stains and spots.
The dark patches on the skin or hyperpigmentation can occur due to hormonal disorders, exposure to too much sun, sunbeds commonly exhibit on the forehead, cheeks, chin and upper lip. However , hyperpigmentation occurs not only due to the many hours of direct sunlight , but also due to the accumulation of the pigment that is caused by acne , eczema or after applying the perfume which, in contact with the sun , leading to the emergence of phototoxic reactions and cause dark spots on the skin. Hyperpigmentation of the skin is often manifested in women than in men, during pregnancy or use of birth control pills can also cause this problem. What is important, this change is not caused by disease or may affect health, but is primarily an aesthetic problem. Who are dark-skinned people, have a higher probability of getting dark spots, because their pigment cells active.
This cream is use from 1965y. in Yugoslavia and have best effect for your face and skin and recommend from personal experience.
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PRODUCT QUALITY demands special attention, therefore, all employers have the obligation and the responsibility to prioritize achieving high-level quality in every segment of the developing process, by selecting the best natural ingredients, implementing modern manufacturing techniques and well prepared marketing strategy.
CUSTOMER DEMANDS AND NEEDS represent our guide to creating new products and following new trends.
SELECTION OF OUR EXPERTS AND THEIR CONSTANT LEARNING provide progress inovation of our company. Right now, the second generation of experts is leading the company and the third is about to join them. The fact that 80% of our employees spend their whole working period in our company
represent the best our care for them.
OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS, loyal buyers and suppliers have the special treatment and we are dedicated to further developing and improving our partnerships.
Kozmetička kuća MIRJANA osnovana 1945. pod nazivom KOZMETIKA SLAVIJA, da bi 1980. dobila danas aktuelno ime. KOZMETIKA SLAVIJA proizvela je 1949. krem za negu lica NARCISi 1950. krem za negu lica LALA koji su i danas prisutni na našem tržištu.
U tom periodu proizveden je i prvi ruž za usne, a kompletan program dekorativne kozmetike pod nazivom DON JUAN lansiran je nakon dugogodišnjeg istraživanja i stalnog testiranja repromaterijala.
KVALITET PROIZVODA zahteva posebnu pažnju i zato svi zaposleni imaju obavezu i odgovornost da u zavisnosti od svog delokruga rada prioritet daju ovoj karakteristici počevši od izbora najkvalitetnijih prirodnih sastojaka i savremenog načina proizvodnje do visoko organizovanog plasmana robe.
ZAHTEVI I POTREBE KUPACA opredeljuju našu kuću pri kreiranju novih proizvoda i praćenju modnih trendova.
IZBOR I STALNO USAVRŠAVANJE KADROVA obezbedjuju permanentni razvoj i inventivnost naše kuće. Druga generacija stručnjaka vodi firmu, a treća je u preuzimanju. Činjenica da je 80% zaposlenih čitav radni vek provela u našoj kući dovoljno govori o našoj brizi za zaposlene.
POSLOVNI PARTNERI naše kuće, naši dugogodišnji kupci i dobavljači imaju poseban tretman i
zbog toga stalno radimo na razvoju i unapredjenju partnerskih odnosa.
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