Title: Titanic, An Illustrated History
Text: Don Lynch
Paintings: Ken Marschall
Introduction: Robert D Ballard
Publisher: Hyperion
Publication Date: 1992
Edition: First
ISBN: 1-56282-918-1
Measures: approximately 12" x 11 1/2"
Pages: 227
Binding: Hard Cover
Book Condition: Very Good – pages in great condition, no writing
Dust Jacket Condition: Very Good – slight scuffing

This beautiful coffee table book chronicles the history of the Titanic. It includes black and white pictures of the Titanic under construction. Historian Don Lynch, the foremost expert on the people aboard the Titanic, has compiled a text filled with enthralling new information. There are dozens of full-color paintings and illustrations by the internationally known maritime artist, Ken Marschall. A center fold-out section shows the details of the inner workings of the Titanic.

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