20inch x 30inch Poster Although he studied in Paris for a brief time, Will Carqueville (1871-1946) lived in Chicago for most of his life. He founded his own lithographic press there and designed posters for Lippencott's as well as other American literary magazines. His style was somewhat influenced by another American poster artist, Edward Penfield. In the United States, as in Europe at this time, literary magazines flourished and several-Harper's, Lippencott's, Scribner's, and The Atlantic Monthly in particular-helped to popularize the current style of poster design, associating it with the cultural tastes of the day. Carqueville's work is classically American: clean, stylish, simple, and direct. American artists tended to be influenced by the British more than by the ornate and flamboyant French Art Nouveau. This poster of a woman in an armchair and holding a magazine is one of his iconic covers. There is a border around the image. The image size is correct.